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This blog was designed for the Biomedical Technology students at the Durban University of Technology, in Durban, South Africa. It consists of short notes on aspects that I feel that my students grapple with, and aims to provide a better explanation than that they would receive in lectures. It is also a very personal blog, where I feel comfortable 'talking' to my students.

Please email me sherlien@dut.ac.za

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Monday, March 28, 2011

micro3 2nd theory test comments

Okay this is a work in progress; more comments will follow later.
You really need to read, understand the question and answer accordingly. As an example, question 2 asked for the method of the test used to determine if Corynebacterium diphtheriae produces a toxin. Why would you include the aim/purpose of the test in your
answer? It almost seems like you swotted the answer and then regurgitated it in the paper. Oh and another thing; it is VERY annoying to read through unnecessary stuff before 'finding' the answer I want. And why would you draw the plate? A total waste of time and effort. I didn't even look at it!!