Welcome Dear Student

This blog was designed for the Biomedical Technology students at the Durban University of Technology, in Durban, South Africa. It consists of short notes on aspects that I feel that my students grapple with, and aims to provide a better explanation than that they would receive in lectures. It is also a very personal blog, where I feel comfortable 'talking' to my students.

Please email me sherlien@dut.ac.za

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

To think about....

Why would you recommend to a friend that he places 5, 10 and 20 cent
coins in his pet’s water bowl?
Why can someone get very ill from eating a lot of cold meats all at once?
Why is silver nitrate put into the eyes of newborns?

1 comment:

  1. Mz P... I've a 'sort-of' answer, to the 3rd question, hope im on the right track..

    The reason silver nitrate is administered to newborns, is to prevent infection caused by bacteria which might be present in the birth canal.. namely STD's causing gonorrhea & chlamydia. Is it true that it also helps prevent infection that the baby might acquire, from bacteria, just after he's born?

    ...... Tiffy (",)
